Friday, November 20, 2009

Rwanda Genocide

The Rwanda Genocide.

There were many to blame for the Rwanda genocide. In my opionon I honestly do not think that there was one perticular group in general who should of taken responsibility for the genocide. Everyone except the Red Cross had a part in the making of the genocide.
Many people said that Belium was to blame but in my opinion that is not true. Belgium was influenced by the United Nations to favor one particular group. Sure they shouldn't have made those identification cards, but Belgium didn't have any history on Rwanda, their culture, and basic understandings of the country. Maybe they should have had more information and a better understanding of the country.
Many also believe that someone who was not completely responsible , but had a lot to do with the Rwanda genocide was the President Habyarimana who was killed in the plane explosion whom many people agree was the Tutsi rebel group attack. The main leader of the Tutsi rebel group named Paul Kagame was blamed for the explosion of the plane and the death of President Habyarimana.
Even though the Habyaimana plane explosion death was a major event that had a lot to deal with the Rwanda genocide, it was still never prooved who killed the Preident Habyaimana and the situation leaves many unanswered questions.
The Rwandan Patroitic Front (RPF), led by Mr. Kagame were formed and their aim was to overthrow Habyarimana and secure their right to return to their homeland. Many people did blame the Rwandan Patrioitioc Front because of all the killings they had. People said that the Rwandan Patrioitioc Front would "defend" the country by killing random people on the streets. In defense, the Rwandan Patioitic Front did help out the government and the whole country by providing a security system and defending the country.
Even though many different groups had their own complications, there wasn't one paticular group who should take the blame for the entire Rwandan genocide. Many different groups and people had their each and own different parts in creating the Rwanda genocide.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The American Scholar

"The American Scholar. "

Emerson's argument in "The American Scholar" about American society still holds true today.

It is obviously true that what Emerson said then still exisits today, but to a certain extent. The learning edcuation that we hold today in America is one example of how we're trying to change this and make sure that we all have the oppurtinuty to become whatever we want to be and have a better edcuation of different fields called the liberal arts of learning program.
Secondly, another reason why this statement still holds true today is because many times I have heard people introduce themselves as "Hello, I'm Adam and I am a cook." Americans sometimes use their job occupation as a label or an indicator of lifestyle. Instead of being a thinker or human, he is a teacher or farmer. When this statemean held true in the eighteen hundreds, it still holds true today. We should change this however, so that man is all.